[Alternate Route]

Welcome to [Alternate Route], an (in)appropriate place for your writing. Some may say they value rebellious, transgressive writing with(out) attitude and meaning. For your information, some examples of beat poets include Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Elise Cowan, Diane di Prima, and William Burroughs. Some examples of non-beat poets include Pablo Neruda, Anne Sexton, Joseph Brodsky, Alice Oswald, and E.E. Cummings.

The submission window for summer 2024 is now closed and the site is under construction. I don't even know if it's up. Thank you to all writers and artists who contributed their work for consideration in Issue 14 Summer 2024. Note that if you don't get a response after the end of July, you can consider your piece(s) unpublished. Paperback will be out 2 weeks (approximately) after people complain about all the errors in their pieces and the printing style of the zine, and after the month of August.

Please keep litter in the bins and don't forget to sterilize your wrists. Thank you for your time and please enjoy the journal!

Submission Guidelines

Author/Artist Biographies



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Irrelevant Quotes


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Always welcome, never necessary.


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