Lorin Lee Cary

Lorin Lee Cary taught Social History at the University of Toledo, wrote historical works and co-authored Slavery In North Carolina, 1748-1776 and No Strength Without Union: An Illustrated History of Ohio Workers, 1803-1980. Both won awards. His articles appeared in various journals, including Labor History. He also served as a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Now he creates fictional cause and effect relationships. The Custer Conspiracy, a humorous historical novel set in the present, is one result, another is the novella California Dreaming, a metafiction venture. His stories have appeared in, among others, Impspired, Torrid Literature, Cigale Literary Magazine, decomP magazinE, Lit.cat, Corvus Review and Short Story. He is also a prize-winning photographer, with images in Typehouse Literary Magazine, Carolina Muse Literary & Arts Magazine, Constellations: A Journal of Poetry and Fiction and Wrongdoing.
PICTURES: Flickr Photos
WRITING: https://tinyurl.com/LorinCaryBooks

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